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Poplin Morley Platform

I believe that Mount Gilead is a great place to live, work, and raise a family and that it can be better than ever with a few key actions. I want to make sure that our town continues to grow and thrive, and that all of our residents have the opportunity to succeed.




  • Explore what can be achieved short term from the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, and continue to lay the foundation for long-term goals outlined in the plan.


  • Serve every part of town, no matter what neighborhood. Ensure that potential annexation serves the community in a win/win scenario.


  • Budget to Renovate Stanback Park to include a new playground, pool repairs and ADA compliance, splash pad, better drainage, and pond system for rainwater runoff control.


  • Explore the real cost of sidewalks from underserved parts of town, look for grants to make this vision happen, work with the DOT and town to coordinate walking and biking paths, and increase walkability in town.


  • Put together a committee to bring the Farmer’s Market back to downtown. Potentially coordinate with Montgomery Community College, The Merchant's Guild, Local Farms, and the Troy Farmers Market to bring produce vendors regularly to town. This will require community buy in and community participation.


  • Find ways to help bring extra development funds to places like the Highland Community Center and other community service-oriented organizations within the town so that our working parents can have access to after-school care, kids can have a place to learn and play, our senior citizens have a place to socialize and get support, and our community can come together.



  • Work with the Economic Development Director in Montgomery County to implement targeted social media campaigns to uplift local businesses and bring in more business, food, and entertainment options to help revitalize the town.


  • Explore grants to help restore some of the local buildings and homes, improve services and parks, and give aid directly to where aid is needed most.


  • Work to get high-speed internet access to as many residents as possible by tapping into the state initiatives for this purpose with the Town Manager and administration. There is a clear need for better services and better job availability for our citizens, and we can only get those with access to priority internet and other vital utilities. If we want to keep our young people, we have to create options and opportunities for them.


  • Create a team to work on a business incubator to invest in our local experience.


  • Work on community outreach to have meaningful conversations and collaboration within our town.


  • Work closely with local law enforcement and town management to plan a series of actionable items to reduce crime in this town and bring back the feeling of safety to our residents of all ages.

I won’t make outlandish promises I can’t keep, and you won’t hear me claim I can “fix” everything overnight, that’s not realistic or even desired. My first thought about a “fix” might not be what you consider a solution, which is why we need healthy discussion and engagement. But I can promise to work with the board and town hall to build meaningful progress to achieve these goals as soon as I am in office and in the years ahead of us. I am here to lean in, listen, and then act decisively.

The mayor is only one person, but the Mayor has the power to set the agenda and describe the vision for this town, and to convince the board that the agenda is in the interest of our constituents and citizens. I believe that these goals are achievable and that I have the experience, community support, and commitment to make them a reality. I am asking for your vote on Election Day so that I can work with you to make Mount Gilead a better place for everyone.

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